Manual excavator/repairer
Heavy physical work doesn't put you off. You dig trenches and construction pits and you will work manually when doing so. You lay utilities and pipes. You manually repair pavements, clinkers, in short all kinds of repair work on the road
You can work independently. You are willing to follow training and to learn Dutch. Job-related competences Laying paving in different materials: Cobblestones in mosaic Paving in different materials: Clinkers Paving in different materials: Asphalt Paving in different materials: Concrete Paving in different materials: Cobblestones Laying paving in different materials: Flat stones Backfilling and damming the excavation Personal competences Cooperation Communicating Required studies No specific study requirements Work experience No experience
Salary: 18.781€ gross/per hour, permanent contract Place of employment LAMOTE & CIE Lindelaan 7 8310 ASSEBROEK