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Port of Antwerp-Bruges heeft een belangrijke rol in de dagelijkse werking van de haven. Zo'n 1 800 medewerkers werken dag en nacht aan een klantgerichte dienstverlening, een optimale infrastructuur, innovatieve projecten en de promotie van de haven in binnen-en buitenland. Zij zetten zich samen in om de rol van Port of Antwerp-Bruges als duurzame wereldhaven te verstevigen. Onze missie? Port of Antwerp-Bruges, thuishaven als hefboom voor een duurzame toekomst.
Your challenge
In your role as FP&A and Business Control manager:
You can count on an interesting and varied function with stimulating responsibilities and room for new initiatives. Furthermore, we offer you an attractive salary package including meal vouchers, extra-legal pension, hospitalization & disability insurance and a company car. The FP&A and Business Controlling manager position has a level 10 salary scale. The overview of our salary levels can be found in our overall package.
If during the selection procedure it appears that the candidate is well motivated, but does not yet have sufficient skills, knowledge and/or experience to take on the full range of tasks, the candidate is recruited in a lower salary level and a growth & learning path is offered. The employee will then receive a salary in level 9. Upon realization of this growth path, the salary of a higher level will be awarded, without having to participate in another selection.
More information about the selection process and our values can be found on our job site.
View the competency matrix with the required competencies for this position.
If you are interested in this position, you may send us your CV and cover letter as soon as possible.
Welcome to everyone at Port of Antwerp-Bruges. We believe in the power of difference and diversity, one with the world around us.
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