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The situation in a nutshell: we are already doing a lot with data and have some wonderful future plans for it. If you enjoy working on a creative puzzle with tables, you’ll find KBC a satisfyingly challenging place to play.
Our team is a mix of enthusiastic starters and colleagues with extensive experience. They all enjoy working together and learning from each other. We treat our in-house experts to some of the most interesting technology around today.
As the data analyst in our team, you focus on functional analyses and functionally working out data solutions. You question: ‘What do end-users need to see in a glance on this dashboard?’, ‘How do we feed this AI model with the right data?’ and ‘How do we pass good leads through to our sales colleagues to ensure they can proactively contact clients with relevant proposals?’
It’s a particularly enjoyable job in data, where smooth communication and collaboration are as important as your technical skills. You work together with data stewards, other data analysts, and your colleagues in Belgium and abroad who build up the data layer.
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