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You will be part of Group Treasury, the department that ensures that the balance sheet of KBC is managed in a safe and profitable way. In doing so, Group Treasury generates a large part of the interest income which remains the most important source of profitability for KBC Group. This is done via:
Group Treasury and the Local Treasuries in all subsidiaries work closely together and also in close contact with the different commercial activities. In this respect Treasury offers an unique opportunity to work in an intellectually challenging environment that provides a helicopter view on bank & insurance activities with a focus on international collaboration. Digitalisation presents many opportunities and challenges in the treasury domain (digital currencies, more efficient client behaviour, different competitive behaviour, …) which Group Treasury closely monitors and for which solutions are developed.
During your internship, you will typically take up 2 to max 3 roles which will allow you to get acquainted with different aspects of the Treasury activities, a.o. development of new strategies, frameworks & processes, bringing strategic messages towards senior management... This could be in the domains of interest rate risk management, funding and liquidity, asset mix management, internal pricing, balance sheet forecasting and more.
Specific roles are allocated based on competencies and interests and are also chosen to provide for on-the-job learning opportunities.
We offer:
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