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Group Corporate Sustainability operates at KBC Group level, is located within the Corporate Staff entity and reports directly to the CEO of KBC Group.
For KBC Group, Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility means that we, as a bancassurance company, want -not only today but also tomorrow- to meet the expectations of all stakeholders involved.
As a sustainable company, KBC is committed to doing business with respect for the environment, people and society, and anchors that commitment in its policy. Innovating, greening, connecting: this is what KBC has been doing internally for years. But KBC is committed to more: we also want to inspire and encourage our customers to become more sustainable. We are therefore a professional partner in the sustainable transition of our customers.
KBC's sustainability policy is science-based but can be simply summarised as follows:
KBC is thus on the road to greater sustainability. Together with various colleagues in the core countries and in all group entities, we work every day to further develop our sustainability approach. If only because needs are constantly changing and requirements (from Europe and elsewhere) are becoming stricter and more comprehensive. And because sustainability can simply always be improved.
Until recently, the area with the most focus was climate change: on the one hand, we want to limit the impact of our own activities and of our loans, insurances and investments on global warming; on the other hand, we also need to keep an eye on the risks and opportunities that climate change entails. Besides climate, meanwhile, attention to other environmental domains such as bio-diversity, water, waste and circular economy has grown significantly. The social aspects of our policies are also becoming increasingly important.
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