Jobs Technics, engineering & production in 8340 Damme:   9 jobs

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Monteur op verplaatsing

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 16,5 to € 21,1 per hour
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

Jij zorgt voor het open- en dichtmaken van de grond, herstelt bestrating en installeert aardingen en overspanningsbeveiliging. Daarnaast plaats je...

Monteur Bliksembeveiliging - Dagdienst

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 16,5 to € 21,1 per hour
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Open- en dichtmaken van de grond voor de installatie van aardingssystemen.
  • Herstellen van de grond en bestrating na het uitvoeren van de werkzaamheden.

Mecanieker Land- & Tuinbouw Machine

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 4.050 to € 5.150 per month
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Onderhoud en reparatie: Je houdt onze grasmaaiers, terreinvoertuigen en tractoren in topconditie.
  • Storingen oplossen: Je analyseert en herstelt mechanische, hydraulische en elektrische problemen.

Plaatser montage bliksemafleider | dagdienst

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 16,5 to € 21,1 per hour
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • je gaat mee op verplaatsing naar klanten en werkt op hoogte met een hoogwerker of klimt met touwen...
  • je leert aardingen en overspanningsbeveiliging installeren, en hoe je voorbereidende werken...

Mecanieker machinepark golfclub | dagdienst

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 4.050 to € 5.150 per month
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • het onderhouden en herstellen van ons diverse machinepark, inclusief tractoren, maaiers en...
  • het oplossen van mechanische, hydraulische en elektrische storingen, zodat alles soepel blijft...

Jobs via e-mail

Looking for a 'Technics, engineering & production' job in Damme (region Bruges)? You can find it on


Monteur op hoogte in dagdienst

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 16,5 to € 21,1 per hour
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Grondwerken en herstellingen: Open- en dichtmaken van de grond, herstelling van bestrating en het...
  • Installaties plaatsen: Je installeert aardingen, overspanningsbeveiliging en daalgeleiders, en...

Onderhoudstechnieker Machine Tuin & Bouw

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 4.050 to € 5.150 per month
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Onderhoud en reparatie van onze machines: van grasmaaiers tot terreinvoertuigen en tractoren.
  • Diagnoses stellen en oplossen van mechanische, hydraulische en elektrische storingen.

Mecanieker Landbouw Machine - Sport Club

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 4.050 to € 5.150 per month
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Onderhouden en herstellen van ons machinepark (tractoren, maaiers, terreinvoertuigen, enz.).
  • Oplossen van mechanische, hydraulische en elektrische storingen.

Technieker golfclub in dagdienst

  • Techniek Brugge
  • Damme
From € 4.050 to € 5.150 per month
How is this salary calculated?

The salary information provided is based on anonymised data from .

The representation of salaries is based on criteria such as industry, job title, location and a number of other elements.

  • Het uitvoeren van onderhoud en reparaties aan diverse machines
  • Het oplossen van mechanische, hydraulische en elektrische storingen
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