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Compliance is a crucial part of our company culture. It allows us to conduct business ethically, in compliance with laws and regulations. As a Compliance Monitoring Officer, you play a large role in that. Together with your colleagues in the compliance team, you work for KBC Bank, KBC Insurance, CBC Banque and KBC Securities.
Want to know more about Compliance at KBC?
The role of our Compliance team has become more and more important over the last few years because regulations in Europe have increased in complexity. Moreover, both the regulations and the controls by regulators have become more strict.
In recent years, a number of large banks have paid high fines and suffered reputation loss because regulations were implemented incorrectly. This, of course, is what we want to avoid.
Compliance has an important, double role within our organisation:
Our unit dealing with Data Protection, Consumer Protection and AI is looking for a talented Compliance Monitoring Officer (CMO) to support a very dynamic team in monitoring the compliancy of KBC in these three exciting domains. In your role as CMO you will:
Want to know more about the job as a Compliance Monitoring Advisor Then take a look at :
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