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Hogeschool PXL
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Hogeschool PXL

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About the company

PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a leading institution in the region, with over 10,700 students and 1,300 staff members. Within PXL’s dynamic network, we challenge each partner to co-create the future. Rooted in identity and practice, we educate entrepreneurial, committed, and creative professionals and artists. We collaborate with organizations on research and service projects to provide solutions. We strive for quality in an innovative and multidisciplinary environment that radiates both accessibility and professionalism. PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is for everyone. We aim to create an environment where every talent can thrive to its fullest potential. We aspire to be a university where everyone feels welcome, valued, seen, and heard. At PXL, we believe that the more inclusive and sustainable we are, the better we can perform. We therefore strive to reflect a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in our staff, teaching, and research outcomes—regardless of your gender, age, cultural background, who you love, or what you believe. Would you like to join our PXL family? We warmly invite you to apply—either spontaneously or for one or more job openings!
Elfde-Liniestraat 24 - 3500 HASSELT
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Average gross salary at Hogeschool PXL
(based on received reviews)
6.304  until   7.355 /month
Minimum € 6.304
Maximum € 7.355
Frequent extalegal benefits:
  • Internet subscription
  • Laptop
  • End of year premium
1 salary for Hogeschool PXL

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This is what others thought of the salary at Hogeschool PXL.
Average gross salary at Hogeschool PXL
(based on received reviews)
6.304  until   7.355 /month
Minimum € 6.304
Maximum € 7.355
Frequent extalegal benefits:
  • Internet subscription
  • Laptop
  • End of year premium
1 salary ordered by Number descending.
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Training & education
We show the job category as long as there are insufficient reviews of employees with the same job title.
1 salary
€ 6.304 until  € 7.355/month gross
Minimum € 6.304
Maximum € 7.355
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
66666 ipsum dolor sit amet
1 salary
€ 0.000/month gross
Minimum € 0.000
Maximum € 0.000
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