Jobs Agriculture & fishing »  Animal breeder and zookeeper in 5140 Sombreffe:   1 job

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Responsable poulailler - décembre 2024

  • Accent
  • Eghezée
  • Interim optional fixed contract, Starter, Student job
Faire le tour quotidien des poules et surveiller les consommations.S'occuper des poulaillers en l'absence du propriétaire.Réparations courantes :...
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Are you looking for Animal breeder and zookeeper jobs in Sombreffe?

You've come to the right place, has 1 of Animal breeder and zookeeper jobs available in Sombreffe.

The most Animal breeder and zookeeper jobs are found in 4470 Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, 5310 Eghezée and 1400 Nijvel.