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Jobat Moderator 5 days ago (edited)
Community Manager
Cette question nous est parvenue via la boîte aux lettres éditoriale de Jobat.
J'ai 72 ans, je suis alerte et en bonne santé.
Je suis retraitée depuis 2012 après 45 ans de carrière sans interruption (secrétariat).
Chez le même employeur, j'ai travaillé 8 heures semaine en complémentaire jusqu'au 30 juin 2022.
Il s'offre à  moi de continuer dans un autre domaine qui m'est plus que familier depuis 30 ans (chevaux - j'en ai moi-même trois).
Puis-je envisager un Flexi Job ?
Déjà grand merci pour l'information. 
Be friendly and respectful

Treat others as you would like to be treated. No swearing, bullying or unkind comments. If you can help someone with advice or a tip, please do! We are here to support each other.

Stay on-topic

Make sure your posts are about job searching, applying for a job, or other relevant topics. This helps to keep the forum well-organised. Use a clear title when you ask a question. Be as specific as possible.

No spam or advertising

This forum is meant to help each other, not to sell products or services. It is not allowed to post jobs or links to other job boards or job search engines. Employers can post a job here.

Respect the privacy of others

Don't share personal information of yourself or others, such as addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses.

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